Hormone Therapy For Both Men & Women

It has been said that “everything gets better with age.” While that may be true for fine wine or cured meats, the adage is less accurate when applied to human body.  For many people, middle age is when the body begins to show the wear and tear of the years gone by—signs of aging commonly related to hormonal imbalances. As you age, production of your natural hormones may be impaired. The body may produce too little of one hormone and too much of another. When hormone levels are below normal—and keep in mind that “normal” is different for every person—uncomfortable symptoms appear and unhealthy conditions or diseases may develop. Your quality of life diminishes and you wonder if you can ever reclaim that vibrant, energized person you were just a few short years, or perhaps even, just months, ago.

BHRT Therapy For Women

Nobody has to tell you when you’ve started the physical, mental and emotional roller coaster ride that is menopause.  Just because your ovaries stop releasing eggs doesn’t mean you have to put up with the mood swings, hot flashes, diminishing bone density, heart disease risk, low libido, and vaginal dryness that hormonal deficiencies can stimulate.  Just because you’ve been around for 45 – 55 years doesn’t mean your testosterone, estrogen, progesterone, and DHEA levels have to suddenly drop and drain you of energy and fun.  Instead of wondering how many hot flashes per day are normal, you should be asking yourself which one of these hormones need to be supplemented in order to stop those hot flashes in their tracks.

Christy Wilcox, PA-C is a specialist in hormone therapy and can give you that answer. She’s been helping women manage menopause for decades with plant-based, non-invasive Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT).

These sexual health specialists can quickly determine which of your hormones are deficient, then deliver the safest, customized form of natural hormone replacement therapy available: BHRT. In addition to boosting energy and libido, this therapy can lower the risk of osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s disease, cardiovascular conditions, colon cancer and many other age related conditions.

Christy favors Bio-Te hormone pellets for women for several reasons. First it delivers a steady level of hormone to the body naturally, foregoing the ups and downs that come with some oral and cream medications. It is the method that most accurately mimics the way the body uses these hormones. Secondly, pellets are easy to use. Patients don’t have to remember to take medications. These pellets are implanted just under the skin and dissolve over time. Lastly, pellets can be adjust to meet the changing needs over time.

LOW T Therapy for Men

About 40% of men 45 and older have low testosterone, but this problem can occur as early as your 30s. Low testosterone can make you weak, tired, cranky, and unable to perform sexually. Fortunately, there’s practical help available from Christy Wilcox, PA-C, the area’s leading hormone specialists.

If you have low testosterone, your testes don’t make sufficient testosterone, which is an essential hormone for men’s health and wellness. Many different things can influence your testosterone level.

Christy treats men on an individual basis, offer practical and proven solutions for Low Testosterone. Christy recognizes that there is no “one size fits all” treatment and uses a number of approaches with pellets, injections, oral medications and creams. She has been a trusted provided of Low T treatment for more than 10 years.

Low testosterone can negatively affect almost every part of your life. Experiencing LowT can cause a variety of problems, such as:

  • Fatigue
  • Depression
  • Poor libido
  • Insomnia
  • Concentration problems
  • Poor memory
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Infertility
Request a Low T Consultation